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Possible matching dictionary entries found:   1. hina ng loob  
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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "hina ng loob"...  

Results found by count:  
hina ng loob: 2 instances found

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...year ang daming nagmumura sa aming dumadaang mga naka sasakyan and mga nasa tabi tabi. Nakakpang hina ng loob sa totoo lang. Pero wala, we have to keep doing it. yan yung mga may variant na less or near 30k price ​ Mga Jeep pa cubao to Cogeo HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA mukhang itlog? as in mukhang bayag?...
...MABUKO NA BAKLA KA. BAKA IDAGDAG YAN SA CASE MO DYAN HAHAHAHA buti hindi sa listahan ng noisy Ang hina ng loob ko dati eh. 😢 I cry. Pero I'm happy for him kahit papaano. Seems like he already found the perfect girl... Mabait, maalaga at mahal sya ng sobra. Malas ko lang at wala akong pekpek. Pota yan....

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.