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LAGAW: TDC Corpus Tool

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Possible matching dictionary entries found:   1. lagaw  
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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "lagaw"...  

Results found by count:  
lagaw: 5 instances found

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...Depends on the internal agreement within your agency. Sa amin 15% lng increase ng mga JO, naka lagaw naman na up to 20% because our budget was deceased this CY Slap yourself then do it. Hahaha ginagawa ko yan para mag-snap out ako sa funk kasi shet ang sakit I work in the clinics and the volumes...
...ending doon ha. Aray! Happy ending doon. Hahaha! Nandito na tayo no. Paikot-ikot lang tayo dito. Lagaw-lagaw. Singit, singit, singit, singit, singit.

Yun! Bukas ang Bulcachong, mga cheng! Sabi ni Wil Dasovich, Bulcachong, mga cheng! Yan, makatikim na tayo ng kalabaw. Ayun mga perstaymers,...
...doon ha. Aray! Happy ending doon. Hahaha! Nandito na tayo no. Paikot-ikot lang tayo dito. Lagaw-lagaw. Singit, singit, singit, singit, singit.

Yun! Bukas ang Bulcachong, mga cheng! Sabi ni Wil Dasovich, Bulcachong, mga cheng! Yan, makatikim na tayo ng kalabaw. Ayun mga perstaymers,...



Try nga natin dito kung anong meron dito. Pasyal-pasyal lang tayo. Lagaw-lagaw lang. Road trip, road trip, ganun. Okey. I love Feliza Jazz. Ano kayang meron dito? Okey, merong convention center, may hall, may grand villas with pool, pavilion. So eto yung lugar na ano,...


Try nga natin dito kung anong meron dito. Pasyal-pasyal lang tayo. Lagaw-lagaw lang. Road trip, road trip, ganun. Okey. I love Feliza Jazz. Ano kayang meron dito? Okey, merong convention center, may hall, may grand villas with pool, pavilion. So eto yung lugar na ano, na ano,...

Display count: 5

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.