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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "magbarkada, magbarkadang"...  

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magbarkada: 2 instances found

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...the *Removed* in the head. Hahaha Ihatid sundo mo. Bahay iskwela lang. Kung wala siyang chance magbarkada, uminom, magyosi, di niya magagawa yun. Kung tumakas, wag mo na papasukin ng bahay. Ano ba kasi yung kaibahan ng right/wrong at good/bad?? Anyway, mamaya ko na tatapusin to, may klase pa ako. Huhu pag mahaba... ayaw ng bagong boyfriend nya na makita siyang may kasama or kausap man lang na lalaki. Wtf? Magbarkada na kami bago pa maging sila. I find it funny na pati mga pinsan nyang lalaki na ka-age bracket nya pinapablock/unfriend ni boyfriend. Take note that first girlfriend daw nya yung kabarkada ko. Umabot pa nga daw...

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.