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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "tipan, tipang"...  

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tipan: 11 instances found

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...if you know what I mean. ​ Had a good laugh dun sa nabasa ko sa baba na LUMA AT BAGONG TIPAN! Taba ng utak ng bestfriend mo! Haha Meanwhile, ang ogag ng epekto ng kape sakin. Parang mas inaantok pako lol Magandang umaga mga ka-iGan! nice! lalo na pag hindi minomonitor ang bandwidth usage sa office...
...ko yung mga tropa ko kapal ng mukha nya magfeeling joseph marco ano daw kaibahan ng bagong tipan at lumang tipan I remembered back in HS, kararating lang ng bus namin sa retreat house. At the building facade, there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN...
...tropa ko kapal ng mukha nya magfeeling joseph marco ano daw kaibahan ng bagong tipan at lumang tipan I remembered back in HS, kararating lang ng bus namin sa retreat house. At the building facade, there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN...
...lang ng bus namin sa retreat house. At the building facade, there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that... At the building facade, there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the...
...facade, there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the end of each week or...
...there's a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the end of each week or month, gawa...
...a sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the end of each week or month, gawa ka ng...
...sign that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the end of each week or month, gawa ka ng graph...
...that reads "BAGONG TIPAN." And my bestfriend read TIPAN repeatedly. TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN TIPAN ... I miss HS and recollections. Kuha ka ng calendar or kahit gawa kang sa excel file, then i-note mo yung cravings mo that day for a week or month. At the end of each week or month, gawa ka ng graph para...

Display count: 10

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.