The Letter "NG"
Keep In Mind:
In Filipino, "Ng/ng" is considered to be a single letter!
The letter "ng" is also a letter not found in the English alphabet. The name of the letter "ng" is pronounced "en-jee," and is considered a single letter in the Filipino alphabet.
To pronounce the unique "ng" sound in the Filipino language, say the "ng" sound as in the English word "sing," with your tongue pushed back toward the roof of your mouth to make a nasal sound.
The result sounds a lot like the "ng" sound in the English words "bang" or "sing," in which the final "g" is not fully pronounced. Unlike in English, Filipino words can begin with the "ng" sound, which can be tricky for English speaking students. You can practice words beginning with "ng" by saying the English words "banging" or "ringing" slowly and as two words, as in "ba ... nging" and "ri ... nging".