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Author Photo rantan1234
Sep 05 2024, 5:39am CST ~ 1 week, 4 days ago. 
Hello! My name is rantan1234. .
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo AaaaaaaA0p
Sep 05 2024, 9:15pm CST ~ 1 week, 4 days ago. 
Hello! My name is AaaaaaaA0p. I am from Alaska and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo TeacherKristel Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 06 2024, 7:29am CST ~ 1 week, 3 days ago. 
Hello! My name is TeacherKristel. I am from Philippines and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because studying the Filipino language offers numerous benefits, both personally and professionally such as
cultural Connection, Communication, Travel, Professional Opportunities, and
Personal Growth.
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Author Photo DuCouscous
Sep 06 2024, 7:46am CST ~ 1 week, 3 days ago. 
Hello! My name is DuCouscous. I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I'm interested in the country's history and perhaps one day visiting !
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Author Photo Jonary
Sep 06 2024, 10:01pm CST ~ 1 week, 3 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Jonary. .
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo Jonary
Sep 06 2024, 10:08pm CST ~ 1 week, 3 days ago. 
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Author Photo TeacheRHEAa Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 07 2024, 8:27am CST ~ 1 week, 2 days ago. 
Hello! My name is TeacheRHEAa. I am from Philippines and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo medeaea Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 07 2024, 11:10am CST ~ 1 week, 2 days ago. 
Hello! My name is medeaea. I am from Philippines and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
In my opinion, the fastest way to learn a foreign language would be immersing yourself into a conversation. As you converse, you ask about the words that you can't understand. By doing this, you can learn from context clues, facial expressions, tones, and other non-verbal cues.
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Author Photo medeaea Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 07 2024, 11:12am CST ~ 1 week, 2 days ago. 
@DuCouscous The culture and language is indeed colorful, especially if you dive into the dialects and hidden gems besides known tourist spots.
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Author Photo NomadLuyang
Sep 07 2024, 3:32pm CST ~ 1 week, 2 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Naomi. I am half Filipino from UK and trying to improve my Tagalog
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Author Photo Kodi
Sep 07 2024, 7:52pm CST ~ 1 week, 2 days ago. 
@NomadLuyang hi naomi, i am also learning tagalog so we can practice it together if u want
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Author Photo AsoLalaki
Sep 08 2024, 4:06pm CST ~ 1 week, 1 day ago. 
Hello! My name is Stephen. I live in the United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language sounds nice and I like filipinos. I would like to have a pen pal. Thank you.
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Author Photo Basilio
Sep 09 2024, 7:56am CST ~ 1 week, 0 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Basilio. I am from buckeye and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language for cultural understanding and to connect with people
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Author Photo sammers28
Sep 11 2024, 5:26pm CST ~ 4 days ago. 
Hello! My name is sammers28. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because.... I want to connect more with my family members
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Author Photo Chris23 Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 13 2024, 7:12am CST ~ 3 days, 7 hrs ago. 
Hello! My name is Chris23. I am from Philippines and I am an Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because unlike any other language, it gradually evolves through the periods as different words are introduced.
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