Hello everyone! My name is Joel and I'm studying Tagalog because my wife is Filipina and I'd love to be able to communicate more with her family.
I've found this website and I have to say it's really super useful for my learning, so thank you guys for the amazing work! It so invaluable to have words, sentences and accurate meanings with native audio for all of it, and that's only the part I've discovered until now but I can see that there are many more tools, so I can't wait to find out more about it!
I have a quick question: is it possible to export all of the top 2000 Tagalog words - flash cards to Anki at once? It seems to only work one at a time, but it would be great if it was possible to export them all at once, while keeping the correct order of frequency. So if there is a way, I'd be grateful to hear it
Thank you again for all those resources and take care.