
Introductions! - Page 627

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Author Photo Seraphinang
Jul 01 2024, 1:10am CST ~ 2 mos., 21 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Seraphinang. I am from 阿尔巴尼亚 and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo Jaycarl
Jul 01 2024, 4:01am CST ~ 2 mos., 21 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Jaycarl. .
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo Asuero
Jul 02 2024, 10:03am CST ~ 2 mos., 19 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Asuero. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I'm married to a Filipina and my son is Filipino. They talk and I'm completely out of it.
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Author Photo Sandeeleedee
Jul 03 2024, 2:26am CST ~ 2 mos., 19 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Sandeeleedee. I am from PORT HUENEME, CALIFORNIA and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student. Or I think I might be. I've completed the Rosetta stones, as well as at least 3 other mobile apps. I've been making myself flash cards and repeating the same lessons for about 5 years but I'm still not quick enough to understand the majority of it without closed captioning.
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I am studying the Filipino language because.... everybody I know is Filipino. But mostly I want to learn a really fast verse or 2 from gloc 9 or dello so I can spit it out in karaoke and watch all the jaws drop! And I want to follow through with something challenging... so I guess I'll study it another 5 years and see if I'm able to keep up then....
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Author Photo vhtfilo
Jul 04 2024, 6:41pm CST ~ 2 mos., 17 days ago. 
Hello! My name is victoria. I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I think its an interesting language, I love the music and I also have a few Filipino friends. (I want to learn it in secret to surprise them). I have no prior knowledge whatsoever but would love to start my learning journey now!!
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Author Photo Davinsee Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Jul 04 2024, 11:27pm CST ~ 2 mos., 17 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Davinsee. I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because i want to be fluent in Filipino language
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Author Photo Yanji18 Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Jul 05 2024, 4:44am CST ~ 2 mos., 17 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Yanji18. I am from Philippines and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I found my own language as very fascinating, especially when as a native speaker I can implement the rules of our language automatically. I started becoming curious on why and how my own language formed and came to be what it is today.
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Author Photo sukebear
Jul 06 2024, 3:16pm CST ~ 2 mos., 15 days ago. 
Hello! My name is sukebear. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
I want to be able to connect with my Filipino roots as I feel that learning the language will help me to better appreciate my family's cultural heritage.
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Author Photo Jhenegh
Jul 06 2024, 5:22pm CST ~ 2 mos., 15 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Jhenegh. I am from Qatar and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because.... I would like to visit the Philippines
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Author Photo erokvm
Jul 07 2024, 9:05am CST ~ 2 mos., 14 days ago. 
Hello! My name is erokvm. .
I am studying the Filipino language because learning the native language of my ancestors opens me up to concepts which may resonate with my core self.
Is there a way to have the audio attached to cards in the sentence decks? Please let me know!
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Author Photo Julieta
Jul 08 2024, 6:23am CST ~ 2 mos., 13 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Julieta. I am from San Francisco, Agusan Del Sur and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because there are some words which are difficult to me as literal Bisaya with complicated culture of Manobos, Agusanons, Camayo, and others.
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Author Photo Mondo Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Jul 08 2024, 9:00am CST ~ 2 mos., 13 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Mondo. I am from Philippine and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo Penguinsdontcry
Jul 08 2024, 8:59pm CST ~ 2 mos., 13 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Penguinsdontcry.
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Author Photo chrispy1971
Jul 08 2024, 11:28pm CST ~ 2 mos., 13 days ago. 
Hello! My name is chrispy1971 aka Christian. I am from england and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
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Author Photo Beanie
Jul 10 2024, 4:16am CST ~ 2 mos., 12 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Beanie. I am from Papua New Guinea and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....I want to move to Philippines and live there.
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