
Introductions! - Page 636

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Author Photo Chris23 Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Sep 13 2024, 7:13am CST ~ 5 days ago. 
Hello! My name is Chris23. I am from Philippines and I am an Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because unlike any other language, it gradually evolves through the periods as different words are introduced.
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Author Photo snwjoy
Sep 13 2024, 3:42pm CST ~ 5 days ago. 
Hello! My name is snwjoy. I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo snwjoy
Sep 13 2024, 3:43pm CST ~ 5 days ago. 
One day I would like to visit the Philipines.
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Author Photo zeyrusyo
Sep 16 2024, 9:33am CST ~ 2 days, 11 hrs ago. 
Hello! My name is zeyrusyo. I am from Bacolod city handumanan and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo zeyrusyo
Sep 16 2024, 9:33am CST ~ 2 days, 11 hrs ago. 
Hello! My name is zeyrusyo. I am from Bacolod city handumanan and I am a Beginner Filipino language student. I am studying the Filipino language because....
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