
Question: Ano ang kompleto sa pangalan ng Toloy?

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Author Photo by: seitt
Mar 15 2020, 10:51pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Question: Ano ang kompleto sa pangalan ng Toloy?
I hope that's the correct Tagalog. I am asking, "What is the name Toloy short for?/What does the name Toloy stand for?" and, by asking this question, am trying to learn the full, formal, official name as given by the priest in infant baptism, for example, or as it stands on the ID card of the person. Just as my girlfriend is known as Mercy but was baptized Mercedes.
I'm guessing Apostol, but names can be tricky!
Many thanks
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Author Photo akosikoneho
Mar 16 2020, 2:01am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Tunay na pangalan
Ano ang tunay na pangalan ni Toloy? What is Toloy's real name.
Palayaw ba ang Toloy? Is Toloy a nick name.
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Author Photo seitt
Mar 23 2020, 8:19pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Maraming salamat!
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