The underlines indicate the syllable/s that is/are stressed.
The location of the stress can change the meaning of a word. For example: "lum
ayò" means "to be farther away", but "lumay
ô" is "to move away".
ayo ang b
agong opis
ina mo sa iy
óng bahay? = Is your new office farther away from your house?
ô ka sa kanil
á. = Move away/Distance yourself from them.
The definition given in the Dictionary for "tumay
â" should only be "to bet".
ín" is the usual verb form used for "to estimate".
ín (infinitive/imperative) = itin
ayà, itinat
ayà, tatayah
ín (also tatay
(I think the conjugations given in the Dictionary for "tayah
ín" are not correct.)
ayà niy
á na mga lim
áng metro ang ta
ás ng puno`. = He/She estimated that the tree is about 5 meters high.
ayà na/Itinat
ayang mga lim
áng metro ang ta
ás ng puno`. = It is estimated that the height of the tree is about 5 meters.
We use either "tumat
ayà" or "itinat
ayà" for the adjective "estimated".
ayà na/Tumat
ayang mga lim
áng metro ang ta
ás ng puno`. = The estimated height of the tree is about 5 meters.
Ang itinat
ayà na/itinat
ayang ta
ás ng p
unò ay mga lim
áng metro. = The estimated height of the tree is about 5 meters.
The definition for "tayu
án" may also include "to stand on something". Ex. "Tayu
án mo ang s
ilya para makita mo kung an
ó ang nasa lik
ód ng pad
ér." = Stand on the chair so that you can see what's behind the wall.