amat po" = Thank you, Sir/Madam. "Po" can't be used to start a sentence.
amat po sa lah
át" = Thank you for everything. This should be enough to cover the culture, your wife, and whatever else you're grateful for.
amat po sa iny
óng lah
át" = Thank you to you all.
Just for additional information, "Sal
amat po para sa as
awa ko" translates to "Thank you for my wife". However, it would sound awkward to us as it is like you're objectifying your wife. We normally don't express it that way. We might instead say something like: "Sal
amat po. Nang d
ahil sa iny
ó nagkaro
ón ng is
áng (your wife's name) sa mund
ó (p
ara mahal
ín ko)" = Thank you. (That) because of you *** came to this world (for me to love). It's rather melodramatic, but if you're really in the mood for it, then you could say it that way. 😀