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Tracking Words Read:

The website will mark all the words on a page as "read" after you've stayed on the page a certain amount of time. The words will flash gray when they've been marked as "read".

You can also manually mark a page as read or unread by clicking the green "book" icon at the top right of a document's page.


There are a variety of options to customize your Reader experience to fit your preferences, including handling audio, "night mode", font size and more. Reader Settings »


Phones / Tablets:
Swipe left or right on the page text to flip a page.

Use Left Arrow or Right Arrow on your keyword to flip pages.

Use Ctrl+Click to quickly mark a word as "Known".
Use Shift+Click to quickly mark "Exclude" a word.
Type "1" (the number 1) to do a Google Translate on the sentence of your last clicked word.

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