AndyEllarby's Profile - A website for learning the Filipino / Tagalog language.
Signed up: 4 years ago, Last active: 1 year, 11 mos ago
# Forum Posts: 4
Forum Posts » AndyEllarby's Shared Flash Card Sets (1) »
# Forum Posts: 4
Forum Posts » AndyEllarby's Shared Flash Card Sets (1) »
SupporterFilipino Language Skill Level:
Visited the Philippines Before?:
Yes - 10 or more times
United States
Native Language:
More about me:
Hi, my name is Andy and I have many friends in the Philippines. They were mostly in my team and now I no longer work at the same company they are my friends (they were before also). I have been on business to the Philippines many times and I could say a few phrases, such as hello, how are you, one more beer, etc. However, that is not good enough and I have just retired and I have a little more time to learn the language. I have Rosetta Stone Tagalog, which is just about OK, but I feel th
Hi, my name is Andy and I have many friends in the Philippines. They were mostly in my team and now I no longer work at the same company they are my friends (they were before also). I have been on business to the Philippines many times and I could say a few phrases, such as hello, how are you, one more beer, etc. However, that is not good enough and I have just retired and I have a little more time to learn the language. I have Rosetta Stone Tagalog, which is just about OK, but I feel th