
Pinarada sa Brazil ang mga Demonyo Tapos Ganito ang Nangyari....
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Run time: 08:11
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- The video discusses global events and phenomena occurring in the 2020s, with specific focus on natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, religious events, and cultural observations.
- A deadly disease rapidly spread at the beginning of the 2020s, causing global turmoil.
- In various parts of the world, a surge in plague-like events occurred.
- Africa faced a locust infestation with swarms containing billions of insects.
- The Russia-Ukraine conflict began in 2022, marking a significant geopolitical event.
- It mentions a reversal in the rotation of the Earth's inner core.
- In 2023, there were reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) sightings.
- The video then shifts focus to the Carnival of Brazil, comparing it to a fiesta and noting its extravagance.
- The Carnival of Brazil is said to honor the Roman god Bacchus and has historical significance, but current celebrations mock and trivialize historical religious events such as the crucifixion of Christ.
- The video suggests the Catholic religion is often mocked globally through various mediums.
- It discusses the pop culture influence, specifically referencing artist Sam Smith's portrayal of a demonic figure, and suggests that even self-professed believers consume media that mocks religious figures.
- A Bible verse is shared, insinuating the presence of "antichrists" in modern times.
- The Brazilian Carnival is held annually without a specific date but typically in February or March.
- The festival was on hold for two years due to the pandemic but resumed in 2022 without controversy.
- The 2023 Rio Carnival, held from February 17 to February 25, raised eyebrows with themes perceived as blasphemous, including the parade of demonic figures.
- Following the 2023 Carnival, the video describes a severe rainstorm that caused extensive damage, flooding, and loss of life in the same area where the festival took place, prompting a discussion on whether these events are a repercussion of the blasphemous acts or just coincidence.
- The statue of Christ the Redeemer is frequently struck by lightning, especially after major events considered against Christianity, which the video implies could be more than coincidence.
- The video concludes by asking viewers for their thoughts on these occurrences and whether they are connected to the worship of demons or just by chance.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
In the new decade of 2020, the deadly disease spread.
In a blink of an eye, the world turned.
At the same time, there was a sudden surge of plague in various parts of the world.
The continent of Africa is facing another plague, locusts.
Locusts swarms with as many as 50 billion insects.
Hindi pa nga tayong lahat nakaka-recover sa kumalat na sakit.
2022 naman, nang pumutok ang napakalaking balita ng paglusob ng Russia sa Ukraine.
Hindi pa dyan matatapos dahil kasama na rin dito
ang biglaang pagtigil at pag-ikot ng pabaliktad ng inner core na kung tawagin ng ating mundo.
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