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mga Pinaka malakas na Nuclear Bomb sa buong mundo #nuclear #nuclearbombs #nuclearweapon #tsarbomb #kimjungun #kmjs2023
Run time: 09:06
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- The United States bombed Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, with an atomic bomb named "Little Boy," resulting in approximately 80,000 deaths.
- Three days later, the US dropped another atomic bomb called "Fat Man" on Nagasaki, Japan, instantly killing over 40,000 people, leading to Japan's formal surrender and the end of World War II, the deadliest conflict in history, with an estimated 70 to 80 million fatalities, predominantly civilians.
- The use of atomic bombs during the war introduced the world to the most destructive weapons known, causing widespread fear, environmental damage, and economic collapse.
- The video discusses the most powerful nuclear bombs in the world:
- Number 7: "Little Boy" (15 kilotons) and "Fat Man" (21 kilotons) used by the US in World War II against Japan.
- Number 6: "Ivy Mike," the hydrogen bomb tested by the US in 1952 with a force of 10.4 megatons.
- Number 5: Mk-24 (also referred to as UB-24), built between 1954-1955 with a yield of 10 to 15 megatons.
- Number 4: Mk-17, the first mass-produced hydrogen bomb from the US with a yield of 15 megatons; around 200 were built between 1954-1955.
- Number 3: "Castle Bravo" or TX-21, a thermonuclear weapon tested in 1954 with 14.8 megatons of force.
- Number 2: Mk-41 or B-41, the most powerful bomb built by America with a yield of 25 megatons.
- Number 1: "Tsar Bomba," the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated, was tested in 1961 by the Soviet Union with a force of 50 megatons.
- The video describes the devastating impact of nuclear explosions, including intense fireball generation, flash blindness, and powerful shockwaves equivalent to a tornado.
- It notes that the Tsar Bomba was originally planned to have a yield of 100 megatons, but was reduced to 50 megatons for safety and environmental considerations.
- The Philippines does not possess nuclear bombs, and their creation or acquisition is prohibited under Article 2, Section 8 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
August 6, 1945 Binomba ng Amerika ang Hiroshima, Japan
Gamit ang mapaminsalang bomba atomika na may pangalang Little Boy, umabot sa 80,000 ng mga pumanaw.
Makalipas ang tatlong araw ay naghulog ulit ang Amerika ng isa pang atomic bomb na pinangalan ng Fat Man sa siyudad naman ng Nagasaki, Japan.
At sa isang sandali, mahigit 40,000 agad ang nasawi dahil sa pangyayaring ito, formal na sumuko ang mga Japon sa Amerika.
Dito rin natapos ang pinakamadugo at pinakamapaminsalang digmaan sa kasaysayan ng mundo, ang ikalawang digmaang pandaigdig na kumitil ng tinatayang 70 to 80 milyon katao, karamihan ay mga sibiliyan.
Terible at kakilakilabot ang digmaang ito dahil dito unang ginamit ang pinakamapaminsalang armas pandigma, ang atomic bomb, na naghatid ng takot sa maraming may buhay, sumira ng kapaligiran at nagpabagsak ng ikonumbia ng bansa.
Kaya kung magkaroon man ng digmaang nuklear ngayon, ito ay hindi biro. Sa ngayon kasi ay napakalalakas na at higit na mapanganib ang mga bomba nuklear. Anong bansa kaya ang may hawak ng pinakamalakas na nuklear bomb, hanggang saan ang kayang sakupin at sirain ito at gaano katindi ang pinsalang dulot sa oras na ito ay gamitin?
Hey! Anong oras na? It's Aral Time sa Soksai TV! Oras na para matuto ng bagong kaalaman at sa video ito ay aalamin natin ang mga pinakamalalakas na nuklear bomb sa buong mundo.
Maraming dekada na ang lumipas pero bakas pa rin sa mga hapon ang lupit ng kahapon, bunga ng tindi at pinsala ng bomba atomika. Gaano nga bakalakas?
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