
Jet Lopez EPISODE # 209 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Welcome to the latest episode of the Paco's Place Podcast! In this captivating edition, we have the pleasure of hosting Jet Lopez, an extraordinary guitar player hailing from the vibrant city of Los Angeles. Jet's musical prowess and undeniable talent have led him to collaborate with numerous renowned musical groups and solo artists throughout his career. However, this episode takes a fascinating turn as Jet Lopez delves into the deeply personal aspects of his life. Specifically, he shares his unique journey of navigating fatherhood while simultaneously pursuing his passion for guitar at a remarkably young age. Prepare to be inspired and captivated as Jet candidly recounts the challenges, sacrifices, and triumphs he experienced on this extraordinary path. Join us as we unravel the intriguing story behind Jet Lopez's dual roles as a devoted father and a gifted guitar player. Through heartfelt anecdotes and insightful reflections, Jet provides invaluable lessons and perspectives on balancing one's dreams an
Paco's Place
Run time: 32:13
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May nabuntis ako, girlfriend ko nabuntis that time.
Tinakbuhan mo?
Tumakbo sila dito.
And then...
Sinundan mo?
Sinundan ko.
So young dad ka?
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