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Jed Animation Story
Run time: 10:21
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are the specific bullet points summarizing the topics discussed in the Tagalog video:

- The speaker reminisces about their childhood and suddenly remembers their childhood best friend, wondering where they are now.
- The speaker recalls playing with cousins outside their house, playing hide and seek, and a particular game where someone named Laika was searching for someone named Jet.
- While hiding, the speaker notices a girl they don't recognize walking nearby, which arouses their curiosity.
- This unknown girl appears to be walking by regularly, and the speaker becomes determined to meet and befriend her despite their cousins' reluctance.
- The speaker finally gets a chance to meet the girl when she is left at their home because her grandmother has somewhere to go. They became friends and started playing together often.
- Over time, the speaker's cousins grow distant, seemingly disapproving of the speaker's new friendship with the girl they call "Besh."
- An argument ensues between the speaker and their cousins, who declare they no longer consider the speaker part of their group because of the close friendship with Besh.
- The speaker and Besh bond over school stories and collaborating on projects, such as making a Philippine flag for a parade.
- Their friendship continues to grow, but Besh eventually reveals that they will be moving back to their real home, which is far away, to continue their studies, leaving the speaker saddened about the impending separation.
- As Besh's departure date nears, the speaker becomes increasingly upset about losing their everyday playmate and friend.
- Besh gives the speaker a stuffed toy as a parting gift to remember her by, and they part ways without a final goodbye as Besh leaves without notice the following day.
- The speaker reflects on the deep sadness they felt after Besh's departure and the difficulty of staying in touch without social media.
- Years later, with many new friends and the loss of the stuffed toy Besh had given, the speaker has nearly forgotten about Besh.
- The speaker reflects on the fact that people may come and go in life, but the memories, whether happy or sad, will never fade.
- The video ends with a transition to the present, where the speaker is told by someone (likely a parent) to come out of their room because they have a visitor, instigating curiosity about the visitor's identity.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Nangyari ito isang araw habang nags-scroll ako sa FB
nang bigla kong naalala
Nasaan na kayo yung childhood bestfriend ko?
Tanda ko pa noong bata pa ko
Madalas talaga ako naglalaro noon kasama yung mga pinsang ko
sa may labas ng bahay namin
Kapilang kong sampo nakatago na kayo
Isa, dalawa, tatlo
Game na!
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