
Creamy Chicken Pastel
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Creamy Chicken Pastel Recipe Details: Ingredients: 2 lbs chicken breast cut into cubes 1 piece Knorr Chicken Cube 1 piece Chorizo de Bilbao sliced 4 pieces hotdogs sliced 1 piece potato cubed 1 piece carrot sliced 1 piece red bell pepper sliced 1 piece green bell pepper sliced 3/4 cup button mushroom sliced 15 ounces all-purpose cream 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 piece lime 1 piece onion chopped 4 cloves garlic minced 3/4 cup water Salt and ground black pepper to taste Instructions: Combine chicken, soy sauce, and lime in a large bowl. Mix well. Marinate chicken for at least 30 minutes. Heat oil in a cooking pot. Saute onion and garlic. Once the onion softens, add the chorizo. Saute for 1 minute. Put chicken into the pot. Saute until the color turns light brown. Add water. Let boil. Add Knorr Chicken Cube. Stir. Cover and continue to cook for 20 minutes. Put the sliced hotdogs into the pot. Cook in medium heat until the liquid reduces to half. Add potato and carrot.
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 08:44
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