
Good Bye Pimples (Lush -Honest Review)
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This is the honest Review of Lush which is Mask of Magniminty that helps you to fight irritation and #Pimples in your daily activies. Lush Product is 100% #Organic. This Product will help your face to have a protection in dust or any bacteria that will cause pimples. I will recommend this #Lush B'coz of it's magic. Just in few days I really love the result. Your face gets Soft, Fair and most important "PROTECTED"-From Heat. This product is not a whitening base. It is just 100 percent face cleanser. YOU CAN ALSO buy their #BlackSoap for its better Result. Special Thabks to: #mikasalamanca GEAR USED: BOYA MIC:!52512091404!!!pla-296303633664!c!296303633664!347060069!119534115&gclid=CjwKCAjwkcblBRB_EiwAFmfyy7QWqcNXkf0LhNcOdGX0XDJM8HqdYfMzXw8mEYjncVjSpLcQ8uqikhoC8SgQAvD_BwE CAMERA:
JayTV #KaTagumpay
Run time: 09:32
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