
Jennielyn Abrot EPISODE # 228 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Join us for an inspiring conversation with Jennielyn Abrot, a trailblazer in the entertainment industry. As the owner of JAR Entertainment and a seasoned Development and Creative Executive, Jennielyn has played a pivotal role in the creation of several blockbuster films, featuring an array of A-list actors. In this exclusive interview for the Paco's Place Podcast, she takes us on her remarkable journey, from navigating film financing to triumphing over breast cancer, ultimately earning the prestigious title of "Crucial Catch Captain" by the NFL's LA Rams. But that's not all! Jennielyn also serves as the Director of the FilAmCreative Film Festival, an esteemed platform dedicated to showcasing and uplifting Filipino voices in cinema. Prepare to be inspired as she shares her insights, experiences, and the incredible impact she is making in the industry. Don't miss out on this captivating conversation that celebrates resilience, creativity, and the power of diversity. #JennielynAbrot #PacoArespacochaga #PacosPl
Paco's Place
Run time: 42:41
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Uya, mag-iingat ka dahil you know for a fact as a cancer survivor na stress is your number one trigger, di ba?
My mom died of cancer kasi.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
And stress yun sa tatay ko.
Seryoso. Alam ko yun.
That's why I'm gonna digress in a bit but kaya nga sinasabi ko, nothing is worth the stress of whatever.
If wala kang control, just let it go.
Yeah, I learned to do that.
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