
BAYAD NA UTANG KO - Gas Station Simulator - Part 6 (END)
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Run time: 11:26
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
- The video is a gameplay session of Gas Station Simulator.
- The player has not played the game for a while and is returning to continue the progress.
- The gas station virtual property is vandalized and requires repainting.
- The player notices that achievements within the game are repeating.
- The player encounters various gameplay challenges, such as navigating customer vehicles and finding a card linked to a UFO event.
- The shop within the game is cluttered, and the player needs to clean up to earn an achievement and mentions the need to restock various items like snacks, toys, and car care products.
- The player discovers a feature that allows for scheduling automatic product deliveries.
- There's a rush to service customers quickly to earn money.
- An employee in the game is spotted performing tasks, and the player emphasizes the need to maximize profits.
- The player deals with a sandstorm in the game that fills the gas station with sand.
- Game upgrades are discussed, including warehouse expansion to increase storage capacity and fuel capacity.
- The player uses a new tool, a hammer, to customize the station's walls with doors and windows.
- Decoration and landmark purchasing within the game are highlighted, with the objective to collect all decorations and landmarks.
- The player announces the availability of their merchandise, such as stickers and signed cards.
- Challenges in managing the gas station's finances are discussed as the player tries to pay off debt in the game.
- The player encourages customers to enter the fuel station to increase sales.
- The goal of paying off a loan in the game is achieved, and the player receives congratulations for completing the campaign.
- After paying off the loan, the gas station appears abandoned, and a letter from "Uncle" is mentioned, leading to a new item called the Dennis Defense Siren.
- The video concludes with the player expressing satisfaction in completing the game and thanking the viewers for watching.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Ay, sir, wala. Inaayos ko lang po yung sasakyan nyo, sir.
Ba-bye, sir. Ba-bye, sir. Ba-bye.
Ingat ka. Inaayos ko lang.
Okay, bilid pa natin ito.
Isa pa.
Okay, wala na ako pera.
Oo na nga.
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