
Chinese dog owners race for glory and health
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Dog owners and their pooches are skipping through car tires and crawling under nets together at a dog trail race in Shanghai. Dog trail racing, which sees people and their dogs navigate off-road obstacle courses in tandem, is becoming increasingly popular in China, where pet ownership and the pursuit of more active lifestyles are both on the rise. For many participants, dog trail races aren't just recreational activities, but also a way to strengthen the bond between themselves and their four-legged friends. "Initially, I would only go to the gym and run to lose weight. But after having a dog, my dog and exercise have become parts of my life that can’t be ignored," said participant Hong Feiwen, who secured a third place win with his border collie Yaoyao. Chen Yi, the founder of LetsDog which hosts monthly dog races that draw over 100 participants each time, says pet events have been gaining traction in recent years, prompting them to organise even more niche races for popular dog breeds, such as samoyed
Run time: 05:48
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