
Do This Every Other Day to Burn Belly and Arm Fat! 💛 20 min Cardio & Strength Workout
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Do this everyday or every other day to get flat belly and slim arms. In today's workout we'll do fat burning cardio and strength moves. This routine is complete with warm up and cool down totaling 20 minutes! 23 moves - a combination of cardio and bodyweight divided into 3 sets. 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off. You can have 1 minute water break in between each sets (7 to 8 exercises per set). No equipment needed but feel free to use dumbbells for the arm exercises. #20minuteworkout #flatbellyandslimarmsworkout #cardioandstrength SHOP MY FIT & HEALTHY DIET MEAL PLAN E-BOOK: Enroll in our "Sana All Sexy" Online Course: (Note: Kindly email for other payment options) Please follow me on socials! INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK:
Kat Aglipay
Run time: 21:50
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