
My Hair Transplant Update - 3 months
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Its been 3 months since i got a hair transplant and here is how it looks now. Exciting times ahead. I am very open about my hair loss journey to inform, encourage and inspire anyone else suffering from hair loss. There is hope and there is something that you can do about it. you dont have to suffer in silence. if any of you are suffering from hair loss, contact Clinique de Paris and get a free consultation: Tel: +632 8893 6175 Email: website: Clinic Address: Twin Cities Condominium 110 Legazpi Street Legaspi Village 1229 Makati Philippines
Chris Tan
Run time: 05:31
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Hey guys, it's Chris Thaen and on this video, I'm gonna give you a 3-month update on my hair transplant.
As most of you know, I got a hair transplant last January at Clinique de Paris in Makati.
At ngayon, I just passed the 3-month mark and I'm now going to my 4th month.
So I'll give you an update kung ano nangyari in the last 3 months
para may idea kayo kung ano ba yung progress ko dito.
First of all, the first 3 months, I was already informed, is the shedding phase.
Ibig sabihin nun, you're not gonna see much growth in your hair.
Kaya hindi ako kinabahan nung hindi ko nakita masyado yung difference between the 1st to the 3rd month.
As a matter of fact, ina-expect kung ano mag-shed buhok ko.
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