
DA, BFAR at World Bank, Maglulunsad ng Mahahalagang Proyekto Para sa Pangingisda at Pagsasaka!
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TARGET ON AIR ni Ka Rex Cayanong on DZME 1530 KHZ AM Lunes - Biyernes 3 - 4 ng Hapon (November 14, 2023) This uploaded video was authorized by the Host of the program #DZME1530​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #targetonair
Ka Rex Cayanong
Run time: 05:06
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
- The video focuses on sensitive social issues involving government agencies and personalities.
- It delves into various topics, news, and discussions.
- The aim is to target corruption and expose wrongdoing within the government.
- There is a no-holds-barred approach in tackling these issues, with the saying "Let the chips fall where they may."
- The spotlight is on the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and the World Bank which are collaborating on the Peace Corps Project.
- The National Director-Attorney Escoto and officials from BFAR have launched three projects from the DA.
- These projects are: the Philippine Fisheries and Coastal Resiliency (Peace Corps), the Philippine Rural Development Project, and the Mindanao Inclusive in Agriculture Development Project (MIADP).
- The projects aim to improve fishing production and community safety across eleven regions and twenty-four provinces through an ecosystem-based approach to fishery management.
- Over 1.5 million fishermen are expected to benefit from these initiatives.
- National Director-Attorney Escoto from BFAR is making it a priority to assist the fishermen.
- With a substantial budget of 11.42 billion pesos, the seven-year project will be directly impacting fishermen starting from 2023 through 2029.
- DA Secretary Francisco Chiu Laurel Jr. has expressed optimism about the future of the Peace Corps and its alignment with prioritizing assistance for small-scale fishermen.
- In the first meeting with Attorney Escoto at the DA office in Quezon City, there was a push towards the modernization of the fisheries sector.
- The conversation was focused on the well-being of the 1.5 million fishermen expected to benefit from the seven-year project.
- The program emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the needs of the fishing community.
- Future engagements may include discussions with National Director-Attorney Demos Tennis Escoto of BFAR.
- The new projects for the fishermen come at an opportune time with the appointment of the new DA Secretary.
- The broadcast was presented by Grand 88 Gaming Corporation.
- The show promises to target societal problems and will be on air again tomorrow from 3 PM to 4 PM.
- The radio station TZME 1530 prides itself on being a leader in news, information, music, commentary, and service.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Target ang mga masiselang iso ng lipunan na sangkot ang ilang mga ahensa ng gobyerno at mga personalidad.
Hihimayin ang iba't ibang mga isyo, balita at usapin.
Puntirya ang mga tiwali at ilalantad ang mga mali sa pamahalaan.
Wala ang santukin. Tamaan na ang tamaan.
Pungsalot ka sa bayan. Sapul ka ni Karex Cayano.
Sa target, target, target, on air, on air.
Oras hatid sa inyo ng Grand 88 Gaming Corporation.
Ito ang DA at saka ho ang BIPAR at ang World Bank saan ni pwersa dun ho sa Peace Corps Project.
Napakaganda po neto itong project na to ha.
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