
Got Bitcoin? It might be worth more than you think
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I was shocked to discover that not all bitcoins are created equal. as a matter of fact, the smallest unit of bitcoin, a satoshi, could be worth more than you think. find out if you have one of these rare sats and learn how to split and isolate the rare sats. ByBit: referral code: 60964 OKX Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)
Chris Tan
Run time: 09:14
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Do you own any Bitcoin? If you do, stick around because you might just be sitting on a gold mine.
Hey everyone, this is Chris Tan and on this video, we're gonna talk about why your Bitcoins could be worth more than what you think.
Okay, so let's start with this. For those that don't know, a Bitcoin can be subdivided into 8 decimal places.
In other words, you can divide it up to 100 millionth of a Bitcoin, which is the lowest denomination of a Bitcoin that they call a Satoshi.
Now, the interesting thing is that not all Satoshis are created equal. There are some Satoshis that are worth more than other Satoshis.
And this was discussed by the inventor of ordinal theory, Casey Rotemore. And he came up with an index to be able to determine the uniqueness
of a Bitcoin. And this was discussed by the inventor of ordinal theory, Casey Rotemore. And he came up with an index to be able to determine the uniqueness of a Bitcoin.
It's called the Rotemore Rarity Index. Now, what are the different types of Satoshis and how is it unique?
I'll give you an example. Can you imagine if you owned a Satoshi from one of the 10,000 Bitcoins used to buy that first pizza using Bitcoin?
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