

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word isabay in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word isabay:

isabáy  Play audio #13680
[verb] to do something together; to do something at the same time; to go together with someone

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Verb conjugations of isabay:

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Root: sabayConjugation Type: I-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
isabáy  Play audio #13680
Completed (Past):
isinabáy  Play audio #24678
Uncompleted (Present):
isinásabáy  Play audio #24679
Contemplated (Future):
isásabáy  Play audio #24680
Verb family:
makisabáy  |  
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Isabáy mo akó kapág pumuntá ka sa mall.
Play audio #33086 Play audio #33087Audio Loop
Let me go with you when you go to the mall.
Isásabáy mo ang paglu ng sibuyas sa bawang.
Play audio #47177Audio Loop
You should cook the onion together with the garlic.
Hindî dapat isabáy ang mga bakasyón ng pamilya sa mahahalagáng aktibidád sa páaralán.
Play audio #47175Audio Loop
Family vacations should not be scheduled in conflict with school activities.
Hindî mo puwedeng isabáy ang paglalarô sa pag-aaral.
Play audio #47178Audio Loop
You can't study and play at the same time.
Isásabáy ko na si Patrick pauwî.
Play audio #47180Audio Loop
I'll take Patrick home with me.
Sa iláng tahanan, karaniwang may alak at isinásabáy itó sa pagkain.
Play audio #47174Audio Loop
In some homes, alcoholic beverages are a staple taken with meals.
Isásabáy nilá ang paglulunsad ng mga aklát nilá mámayáng gabí.
Play audio #47176Audio Loop
They will be launching their books tonight.
Huwág mong isinásabáy ang panonoód ng TV sa pag-aaral.
Play audio #47179Audio Loop
Don't watch TV while you're studying.
Alternate spelling(s):
sinabay, sinasabay
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

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How to pronounce isabay:

Play audio #13680
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Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
do something togethergo with someone
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