

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word maghiwalay in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word maghiwalay:

maghiwaláy  Play audio #9812
[verb] to separate; to separate from one another; to split up; to set apart; to divide; to diverge

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Verb conjugations of maghiwalay:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: hiwalayConjugation Type: Mag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
maghiwaláy  Play audio #9812
Completed (Past):
naghiwaláy  Play audio #23868
Uncompleted (Present):
naghíhiwaláy  Play audio #23869
Contemplated (Future):
maghíhiwaláy  Play audio #23870
Verb family:
hiwalayán  |  
mahiwaláy  |  
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Naghíhiwaláy ang espíritú at ang katawán sa oras ng kamatayan.
Play audio #44558Audio Loop
There is a separation of the spirit and the body at the time of death.
Naghiwaláy kamí noóng Disyembre 2015.
Play audio #39849Audio Loop
We broke up in December 2015.
Hindî na maghíhiwaláy siná Mira at Donald.
Play audio #44560Audio Loop
Mira and Donald will no longer break up.
Sinong magkásintahan ang maghíhiwaláy ngayóng taón?
Play audio #44559Audio Loop
Which couple will separate this year?
Hindî mabuti kung maghíhiwaláy lang kayó nang ganiyán.
Play audio #44553Audio Loop
It's not good if you just break-up like that.
Aka ko, maghíhiwaláy na kamíng mag-asawa.
Play audio #44555Audio Loop
I thought it was the end of our marriage.
Naghíhiwaláy na ang dalawáng magkatuwáng sa polítiká.
Play audio #44556Audio Loop
The two political allies are already breaking apart.
Naghíhiwaláy ang mga mag-asawang madalás mag-away.
Play audio #44550Audio Loop
Married couples who argue too often are splitting up.
Hindî nagtagál, naghiwaláy ang mag-asawa.
Play audio #30230 Play audio #30231Audio Loop
After a while, the married couple separated.
Nabalitaan kong naghiwaláy na siná Peter at Gwen.
Play audio #44548Audio Loop
I heard that Peter and Gwen had split up.

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How to pronounce maghiwalay:

Play audio #9812
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
divergedivergeddivergingdivergesseparate from one anotherseparateseparatesseparatedseparatingset apartsets apartsetting apartdividedividesdivideddividingsplitsplit upsplitting upsplittingsplitssplits up
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