
Split in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word split.

The English word "split" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) hatî - [adjective] divided; split more...
2.) maghiwaláy - [verb] to separate; to separate from one another; to split up; to set apart; to divide; to diverge Example Sentences Available Icon18 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) sibakín - [verb] to chop something; to split something; to fire someone (from a job) Example Sentences Available Icon11 Example Sentences Available » more...
4.) humiwaláy - [verb] to separate; to separate from; to break up; to split from; to split apart more...
5.) maha - [verb] to split (in half); to be divided or broken into two; to be halved more...
6.) paghatian - [verb] to split something (in two, in parts); to divide something more...
7.) masibák - [verb] to be fired; to split more...
8.) maha - [verb] to split; to part more...
9.) biyák - [noun] split; cleavage; division [adjective] split; divided more...
10.) suwak - the state of being cracked or split open; cracked; split; fractured; more...
11.) sambát - fork; branch point; junction; split; bifurcation; divergence; more...
12.) balahasi - a crack or fissure in a clay jar.; crack; fissure; split; fracture; more...
13.) mabiyák - [verb] to be split; to split open more...
14.) baglí - to suddenly crack or split; fracture; split; break; more...
15.) balisa - crack or fissure of a large object; crack; fissure; split; crevice; more...
16.) alat-at - crack or fissure in metal; crack; fissure; split; more...
17.) muláy - to cut or chop into pieces; chop; slice; dice; split; cleave; more...
18.) bikakâ - [adjective] a variant of 'bukaka'; spread-eagle; straddle; split; more...
19.) baakin - [verb] to split, cleave or halve more...
20.) magbaak - [verb] to split, cleave or halve more...
21.) isplít - [noun] split; break up more...
22.) sisma - schism; the act of dividing or splitting due to beliefs, religion, and the like; any of the groups or sects that form due to differences in beliefs; a sin or transgression that causes the division of members of a church or congregation; split; division; sect; faction; more...
23.) singkál - the act of cutting or splitting by means of a bolo; chop; split; cut; more...
24.) damól - the act of crushing or splitting, such as splitting bread; crumble; break apart; split; more...
25.) gitáng - crack or fissure in iron or steel; crack; fissure; split; fracture; more...
26.) kebradura - a crack or fracture, usually in bones or cartilage; fracture; crack; break; split; more...
27.) gabák - tear; rip; rent; split; more...
28.) saak - [noun] split; cleavage; division [adjective] split; divided more...
29.) kalantipay - stove-break; a break or crack in a stove, particularly traditional filipino clay stoves; crack; fracture; split; more...
30.) magbiyák - [verb] to split (something) more...
31.) bumiyák - [verb] to split; to split into more...

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