

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word makaabot in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word makaabot:

makaabot  Play audio #14042
[verb] to be able to reach; to make it in time

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Verb conjugations of makaabot:

Root: abotConjugation Type: Maka-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
makaabot  Play audio #14042
Completed (Past):
nakaabot  Play audio #24272
Uncompleted (Present):
nakákaabot  Play audio #24273
Contemplated (Future):
makákaabot  Play audio #24274
Verb family:
umabot  |  
umabót  |  
abutin  |  
abutín  |  
maabót  |  
iabót  |  
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Nagtangkâ siyáng makaabot sa liblíb na nayon.
Play audio #46368Audio Loop
He tried to reach the remote village.
Bigô siyáng makaabot sa paglulunsád ng album.
Play audio #46366Audio Loop
He failed to make it to the launching of the album.
Makaabot ka sana nang ligtás sa púpuntahán mo.
Play audio #46364Audio Loop
May you safely reach your destination.
Hindî nakaabot si Paolo sa pamantayan ng mga hurado.
Play audio #46362Audio Loop
Paolo was not able to meet the standards of the judges.
Hanggáng saán na nakaabot ang katuparan ng pangako mo?
Play audio #46367Audio Loop
To what extent has your promise been fulfilled?
Nakaabot sa kaniyáng pu ang pánawagan namin.
Play audio #46363Audio Loop
Our plea was able to reach his heart.
Sino ang nakákaabot sa kung anó ang ináasahan?
Play audio #35202 Play audio #35203Audio Loop
Who measures up to what is expected?
Paano kayó nakákaabot sa mga deadline?
Play audio #46360Audio Loop
How are you able to meet deadlines?
Hindî silá nakákaabot sa pagiging Kristiyano.
Play audio #46365Audio Loop
They are not measuring up as Christians.
Sinabi niyáng hindî siyá makákaabot sa klase.
Play audio #35179 Play audio #35178Audio Loop
He said he won't make it in time for the class.
Alternate spelling(s):
nakaaabot, makaaabot
Alternate spellings may include: abbreviations, informal spellings, slang, and/or commonly misspelled variations.

Related Words:
Words spelled the same with a different pronunciation, stress, or definition:
2:makaabót  Play audio #20691
[verb] to be able to reach for

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How to pronounce makaabot:

Play audio #14042
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
able to reachreachmake it in timemake it on time
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