
Moving in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word moving.

The English word "moving" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) paglipat - [noun] transferring; moving to another place more...
2.) paglilipat - [noun] moving; relocating; transferring; transfer more...
3.) lumarga - 1.) [verb] to hit; to punch; 2.) [verb] to slacken; 3.) [verb] to get moving more...
4.) sulong - [noun] move; moving; moving forward; pushing forward more...
5.) nakakaantíg - [adjective] moving (emotionally) more...
6.) lumipat - [verb] to move; to move houses; to move out; to transfer; to migrate; to switch places Example Sentences Available Icon9 Example Sentences Available » more...
8.) galawán - [verb] to make a move or perform an action on something; to move something; to move to somewhere; to move through something more...
9.) kumilos - [verb] to move; to be active; to do something; to act; to behave; to act in a certain way Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
10.) lipatan - [verb] to move to somewhere; to transfer somewhere more...
11.) ilipat - [verb] to move something; to relocate someone/something; to transfer something Example Sentences Available Icon8 Example Sentences Available » more...
12.) galawín - [verb] to move something; to touch something; to handle something; to disturb something; to displace something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
13.) maka-move - [verb] to be able to move (Taglish) more...
14.) umandár - [verb] to start; to start running; to move Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
15.) magaláw - [verb] to be moved (AF); to be able to move something (OF) more...
16.) mag-move - [verb] to move (Taglish) more...
17.) malipatan - [verb] to be able to move to somewhere; to be able to transfer somewhere more...
18.) makalipat - [verb] able to move; able to transfer; able to relocate more...
19.) magawî - [verb] to move or direct something (e.g., move or locate somewhere) more...
20.) maglipát - [verb] to move something; to transfer something more...
21.) makagaláw - [noun] to move; to be able to move more...
22.) umusog - [verb] to budge; to move (step aside) Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
23.) palipatin - [verb] to have something moved; to have something transferred more...
24.) igaláw - [verb] to move something more...
25.) makakilos - [verb] to be able to move; to be able to do something more...
26.) kumibô - [verb] to move more...
27.) maigaláw - [verb] to be able to move something; to be able to budge something more...
28.) dumako - [verb] to move on; to arrive at; to land (arrive/be placed) more...
29.) lumikót - [verb] to tamper with; to move about more...
30.) pagalawín - [verb] to make something move; to move something; to cause something to move more...
31.) makakibó - [verb] to be able to move more...

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