Text Frequency Stats: tuntunin
tuntuninFrequency Score:
Strings analyzed:
tuntunin, tuntuning
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String frequency counts:
tuntunin :: 123
tuntuning :: 0
This string is roughly used with equal frequency in casual and formal content.?
About this Page:
This page indicates the frequency of the related string(s) of text in a large sample text (24 million words) in the Tagalog language.Only 22.35% of all dictionary entries occur more frequently in sample texts than this one.
Caveat: This page counts the frequency of these strings with no regard to accent/stress
in pronunciation (since accents and stresses are not indicated in our sample Tagalog texts).
This means that words with different meanings for differently stressed syllables will show up
with the same frequency indicator count. Use the frequency indicator with caution for words
where the spelling is the same for multiple meanings or stress locations: it is likely one meaning is more frequent
than the others, even though the frequency indicator posted here is the same.