

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word pagbabarilin in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word pagbabarilin:

pagbabarilín  Play audio #11730
[verb] to shoot up something; to shoot down something

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Verb conjugations of pagbabarilin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: barilConjugation Type: Pag -in
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
pagbabarilín  Play audio #11730
Completed (Past):
pinagbabaríl  Play audio #24590
Uncompleted (Present):
pinagbábabaríl  Play audio #24591
Contemplated (Future):
pagbábarilín  Play audio #24592
Verb family:
barilín  |  
mabaríl  |  
bumaríl  |  
mamaríl  |  
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Kunin ninyó siláng lahát at pagbabarilín!
Play audio #34064 Play audio #34065Audio Loop
Take them all out and shoot them!
Dumatíng ang mga sundalo para pagbabarilín ang mga rebelde.
Play audio #34768 Play audio #34769Audio Loop
The soldiers arrived to shoot the rebels.
Pinagbabaríl ni Erwan ang kandado para makapasok sa gusa.
Play audio #29758 Play audio #29759Audio Loop
Erwan shot the door lock to enter the building.
Pinagbabaríl ni Raymond ang kaniyáng mga kaaway.
Play audio #34771 Play audio #34773Audio Loop
Raymond shot his enemies.
Pinagbabaríl ni Christine ang mga ideya ni Harry.
Play audio #34774 Play audio #34775Audio Loop
Christine attacked Harry's ideas.

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How to pronounce pagbabarilin:

Play audio #11730
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
barílbarilínbarilanpamamarílbaril-barilanbumarílmamarílmabarílmakipagbarilánputók ng baríl
Related English Words:
shoot downshot downshooting downshootshotshootingshoot upshot upshoots upshooting up
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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